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No Estás Solo: Creating an Impactful Media and Public Awareness Campaign

Content Warning: This article refers to a media and public awareness campaign about sexual assault resources from rape crisis centers. We understand that this may be distressing or triggering for some individuals.
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At The INS Group, we believe in the power of effective communication to create meaningful change. Recently, we had the privilege of partnering with the North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NCCASA) and Capitol Broadcasting Company (CBC) to plan and execute a dynamic media and public awareness campaign to share sexual assault resources across North Carolina.
In this article, we’ll take you behind the scenes of this collaborative effort, highlighting the specific needs and careful considerations we navigated to promote local agencies and crisis lines offering services to victims, survivors, and those impacted by sexual assault throughout the region.
About the Campaign
In North Carolina, a network of rape crisis centers spread throughout the state, offering valuable support to those in need. These centers serve as a lifeline for victims and survivors of sexual assault, as well as their loved ones, by providing free and confidential referrals and services. A crucial resource offered by these centers is a hotline, where trained staff members and volunteers are available to listen, offer guidance, and address any concerns related to sexual assault. Most crisis lines operate around the clock, ensuring help is available whenever needed. NCCASA, “an inclusive, statewide alliance working to end sexual violence through education, advocacy, and legislation,” houses a database of these agencies and their contact information on its website.
In fiscal year 2022, NCCASA received funding awarded by the N.C. Governor’s Commission on Crime through the U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women STOP Formula Grant Program. This funding was awarded to create a localized media and public awareness campaign promoting local agencies and sexual assault crisis lines within the region, providing individuals with a direct path to seek help and support from their local community.
Partnering with NCCASA, The INS Group spearheaded the media and public awareness campaign, taking charge of project management duties such as communicating with more than 30 rape crisis centers and working alongside media personnel affiliated with Capital Broadcasting Company (CBC).
Collaborating with Partner Agencies to Understand Their Communities’ Needs
To kickstart the campaign planning, we needed to understand the preferences of each agency involved. This would ensure each message was inclusive and accessible to their local community, therefore reaching its intended audience.
Through a comprehensive survey, we asked the agencies to rank their preferred advertising mediums, including digital (video), digital (static), radio, and print. We also asked them for language preferences, with each agency requesting collateral in English, Spanish, or both.
Equipped with this information, we focused on their top choices, and CBC produced creative digital collateral that would resonate with English and Spanish-speaking audiences. The INS Group then integrated each local agency’s logo into every ad, strategically linking to their respective websites.
Additionally, for those agencies seeking print or radio exposure, we reached out to local print and radio companies in their regions. By carefully selecting the best-fit options, we crafted compelling print ads and radio scripts that prominently featured the local crisis line phone number, making it easily accessible to those in need of immediate support.
Examples of Collateral Developed
Digital Video
Several agencies requested a digital video in English and/or Spanish to promote on their website or via social media. Below are videos in English and Spanish from Options:
Digital Static
English and Spanish versions of banners and additional graphics were used on various websites and on social media to promote sexual assault services. Below are digital ads in English and Spanish from Hope United Survivor Network:
Certain agencies determined printed ads would be more beneficial for their communities. Below is a print ad from A Safe Home for Everyone (ASHE):
Certain agencies also determined radio ads in English and Spanish would be more beneficial to reach out to their communities. Below is an English radio ad from Albemarle Hopeline and a Spanish radio ad from SafeSpace:
Disclaimer: This Project is supported by the N.C. Governor’s Commission on Crime, awarded through the U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women STOP Formula Grant Program.
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