Carol Neal Rossi
Senior Consultant
Carol Neal Rossi, Senior Consultant, provides communications and consulting services to nonprofit organizations and corporations. Project work includes: public relations campaign development, grant writing, ghost-writing speeches and legislative testimony, membership surveys, strategic planning, writing and editing publications, and social marketing. Ms. Neal Rossi has worked with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Division of Violence Prevention; Prevent Child Abuse (Georgia and North Carolina chapters), Pepsi Bottling Group and The Digital Deli. Ms. Neal Rossi developed and implemented publicity and advocacy campaigns for Physicians for Social Responsibility, Handgun Control Inc., The American Judges Association and The National Court Reporters Association. She has also managed marketing programs for numerous for-profit companies and professional associations.
- State University of New York, Bachelor of Arts in English
- London University, Journalism Program, Intern (BBC)
- Issues Consulting, LLC, Founder, President
- Prevent Child Abuse Georgia, Director, Georgia State University, Center for Healthy Development
- Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Division of Violence Prevention, Consultant
- Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina, Communications Director
- Issues, Inc., Principal, Director of Legal Services Division
- The National Law Journal, Assistant Editor/Legal
- Recognizing & Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect: A Training Curriculum for Professionals Working with School-Aged Children, Author